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The Art Professor - Vows ❤

In a world where society tells you as a young person, you are to grow up, follow your career path, make a way or name for yourself, and meet someone caring and dashing who will be able to be a partner for you and your potential family.

Well, friends, Britt is here to tell you, it's all hype. It's a get-rich-quick scheme for the industries that it impacts.

  1. Dating costs money.

  2. Merging households costs money.

  3. Weddings cost money.

  4. Kids cost money. Lots of money. Daycare isn't free, y'all. Living costs = two working parents = all kids in daycare at a very early age.

  5. And so many more aspects to this marketing thing we fall trap too.

However, the one thing we count on or hope for is love.

Love is given.

Love is taken away.

Love is not in one place.

Love is a state of being.

Love is...layered.

Love is...complicated.

Love is...worth it.

Every time.

Love is...

Britt was standing at the main entrance of a large city art institute, awaiting her date. The Art Professor had been funny, handsome, in tune with his feelings, and had goals, drive, dreams, and imagination. He truly seemed to care about who Britt was and where she came from and encouraged her to grow.

No wonder her nerves were running rapidly inside. Britt had been text messaging that evening with The Art Professor to ensure they could find each other in this busy setting.

He rounded the corner with this cute pageboy hat, a very professor sweater with elbow patches, cargo pants, boots, an easy stride, and a warm, encouraging smile upon seeing Britt.

The first date would be a glimpse of their future. Sharing personal stories, learning about each other, and laughing hardily while walking around beautiful artwork. They didn't know their best masterpiece would be their little lady to grace their presence a year later.

Britt and The Art Professor weren't young by any means. Outside of the realm of finding "the one" at a young age: they had almost two decades past that societal expectation. They were ready for it all.

Some people judged them from a spiritual-religious viewpoint. Some from an "awe...why haven't you settled down yet?". That's okay. Potential perspectives were those folks didn't wait 3 or 4 decades for love to arrive. They're cozy in their places of loving comfort. At least social media made/made it seem that way. 😉

All that mattered were the conversations had been lovely, joy was had, and real love was shared between these two mature adults.

Saying "yes" along the sand dunes of a great lake to one another was a dream come true for Britt and The Art Professor.

The 2nd dream come true was having created the best thing two could. A beautiful little lady. Becoming a parent is one of the largest responsibilities someone could obtain. It's scary, fun, and silly...not to mention gross at times. 🤢 Most of all, it is a wonderful purpose.

Creating art with your partner was a dream come true. When The Art Professor understood where Britt was at with a design and what the goal was, there wasn't a better companion than a fellow creator. And vice versa. They built, created, planned, and played with ease. It was exactly what one would have hoped.

Within the first two years - life threw everything at Britt and The Art Professor.

  • Move in with one another

  • Got married

  • Had a baby

  • Loss of a mother

  • Loss of an Aunt

  • Loss of a job

  • Loss of health

It was a LOT for anyone to process. Let alone in two years. Most couples have 20-30 years for those things to unfold.

It was here that the pressure was too great.

Failure is felt when things "don't work out ". Britt felt this so very much and to her core.

The world can be tough and cruel, but it truly made Britt stronger. Angry and hurt for a bit, but she shouldn't camp there. Neither should you.

Were the naysayers right? Absolutely. Not.

The love felt today, although the inability to keep the relationship going romantically, is still real, and Britt and The Art Professor will remain friends for all time.

Especially for the love of their blessing of a daughter. Nothing makes more sense than when you wait for greatness and have a love for a dearly hilarious, sweet, sassy creature like her.

Sincerely seek and feel the things that come with grieving dreams, goals, loved ones, and ideals - with all that comes healing.

Love is always worth it.


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